Later Meccanica has a wide selection of brick-making equipment, supplies and original parts. Our inventory is guaranteed by each manufacturer as well as by Later Meccanica. We are constantly stocking new items and are known throughout the industry for prompt delivery. Only original parts at a competitive price guarantee the best performance of your machine, and quick maintenance. We aim to help you lower your operating costs and free funds to invest in keeping your equipment up to date and reduce any downtime for your factory.

We warranty all mechanical components of our machines and supply spare parts at competitive prices to ensure you can continue to operate your equipment for its full life cycle without any issues. Our customer care department with our experienced technicians is available with live support for all your inquiries. We also supply tailor-made solutions for improving your equipment once your capacity needs increase and can supply preventive maintenance to allow you to schedule downtime and save money with before-failure repairs.

Later Meccanica has been an experienced supplier of secondhand turnkey plants to produce structural bricks and roof tiles for almost a decade. Should you be interested in purchasing one due to expansion or downsizing, please contact us for all your needs, no matter how large, at info@latermeccanica.it.
It is always much quicker to dismantle and reassemble an old production line than to complete a new one consisting of many parts.

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